for such a time is this…

God has a purpose and plan for us as mothers right here, right now.

As Christian mothers we long to raise our Children with God as the foundation. This year we will focus on raising children against the culture norms. The first topic of the day will focus on the story of Esther, for such a time as this, and how God used her circumstance for His purpose and His glory. The second speaker is going to help us practically implement ways to redeem our time as busy mothers. The last talk will be a panel of women who “fight against the cultural norms”. We live in a world where beauty, self-love, and being discontent are glorified. This panel of women will share their story how fighting against the culture norm has given them peace, joy, and ultimately glorified God. We pray the day is a blessing for all.


Saturday, February 8th

At the Morton AC Church



  • 8:15-8:30: Registration

  • 8:30-8:35: Welcome

  • 8:35-9:30: Topic 1

  • 9:30-9:45: Break/discussion/fellowship 

  • 9:45- 10:30: Topic 2 

  • 10:30-11:30: Panel

  • 11:30: Closing Prayer

  • 11:30-12:30: Workshop/Discussion 

  • 12:30-1:30: Lunch (can take to-go)


Topic One: The Story of Esther with Marcy Stoller

Topic Two: Redeeming Our Time with Nancy Leman

Panel: For Such a Time is This: Fighting Against Cultural Norms

Beauty with Dawn Hermann; Joy in the Mundane with Hannah Herrmann, and Opposing Self Love with Heidi Hartter